Are you planning to graduate during the Spring 2021 semester? Schedule a virtual appointment with a counselor to petition for graduation by March 12th, 2021!
How can I participate the virtual commencement?
Please schedule an appointment with our counselors to petition for graduation. You can schedule a Zoom appointment online on this page: /counseling/appointments/
When is the deadline to submit my petition to a counselor?
The last day to meet with a counselor to submit your petition is on Friday, March 12th.
How exactly will a virtual commencement work?
A link will be e-mailed to you where you will be able to upload a photo of yourself and a message. More information will be provided.
Will I be able to purchase a cap and gown?
Yes, you may be able to purchase a cap and gown through our bookstore at /bookstore/
For shipping and store pickup, order by: Monday, May 12th, 2021 to receive your caps and gowns by commencement.
When will I be able to receive my degree?
You will be able to pick up your degree during the Fall 2021 semester depending on the shelter-in-place order.
If you have any additional questions, please contact John Nguyen at
For more information, please go to /grad/