
Multiple Levels of Learning Outcomes and Assessment

Course Student Learning Outcomes (Course SLOs) are learning outcomes that we expect students to achieve after they have completed a course. 

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are learning outcomes we expect students to achieve after completing a degree or path of study. 

Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) represent the skills and knowledge that students are expected to attain as a result of completing an instructional program at ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ. Students completing an Associate Degree at ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ will be able to demonstrate all of the ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ Institutional Learning Outcomes. All ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ courses and certificates are designed to teach some or all of the ILO’s. In addition, students achieve these ILO’s throughout their experiences at ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ, for example, with student services and student clubs. 

2019-2023 ILO Assessment Schedule 


Students show that they communicate well when they: 

  • critically read, write, and communicate interpersonally, with audience awareness; and 
  • analyze communications for meaning, purpose, effectiveness, and logic. 
  • work effectively with others in groups 

Assessment Rubric 

Critical Thinking 

Students demonstrate critical thinking skills when they: 

  • identify problems or arguments and isolate facts related to arguments; 
  • use evidence and sound reasoning to justify well-informed positions; and 
  • generate multiple solutions to problems and predict consequences. 

Assessment Rubric 

Computational Skills/Quantitative Reasoning 

Students demonstrate computational skills when they: 

  • master computational concepts and apply them to concrete problems; and 
  • demonstrate algorithmic competence. 

Assessment Rubric 

Ethics and Personal Responsibility 

Students show the ability to act ethically and assume personal responsibility when they: 

  • analyze the consequences of their actions and the impact of these actions on society and the self; and 
  • demonstrate collaborative involvement in community interests. 

Assessment Rubric 

Global Awareness and Valuing Diversity 

Students demonstrate global awareness and show that they value diversity when they: 

  • identify and explain diverse customs, beliefs, and lifestyles; and 
  • analyze how cultural, historical, and geographical issues shape perceptions. 

Assessment Rubric 

Information Competency 

Students demonstrate information competency when they: 

  • find, evaluate, use, and communicate information in all its various formats; 
  • use library and online resources and research methodology effectively; and 
  • use technology effectively. 

Assessment Rubric 



Service Area Outcomes (SAOs) are explicit statements describing knowledge, skills, abilities, and/or attitudes that a student will be able to demonstrate at the end (or as a result) of his or her engagement in a particular lesson, course, program, or collegiate experience.